AARYA is the premium reseller for high quality e-Motorcycle. They offer

a Smart, Fast, Sustainable and Affordable way to move around.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionizing the world of road transport. The global EV market grew 43% annually on average over the last five years, and the worldwide automobile market penetration rate of EVs stood at about 2.6% in 2019.

The Indian Government aggressively pushes the electric vehicle (EV) agenda to reduce pollution and boost green energy. It plans to achieve the target of 100% electric mobility by 2030. The Government has also announced several incentives, such as reduced GST and better infrastructure for EVs, among others.

Our Team

Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionizing the world of road transport. The global EV market grew 43% annually on average over the last five years, and the worldwide automobile market penetration rate of EVs stood at about 2.6% in 2019.

The Indian Government aggressively pushes the electric vehicle (EV) agenda to reduce pollution and boost green energy. It plans to achieve the target of 100% electric mobility by 2030. The Government has also announced several incentives, such as reduced GST and better infrastructure for EVs, among others.

Our Mission

The Indian Government aggressively pushes the electric vehicle (EV) agenda to reduce pollution and boost green energy. It plans to achieve the target of 100% electric mobility by 2030. The Government has also announced several incentives, such as reduced GST and better infrastructure for EVs, among others.

Our Vision

The Indian Government aggressively pushes the electric vehicle (EV) agenda to reduce pollution and boost green energy. It plans to achieve the target of 100% electric mobility by 2030. The Government has also announced several incentives, such as reduced GST and better infrastructure for EVs, among others.

Find your nearest Aarya Dealer

Aarya @Ahmedabad

KTM Showroom, Pagariya Auto
Shop No. 6, ABC Complex, Adalat Road,
Konkanwadi, Aurangabad - 431 001



Interested? Write to us at aarya@aaryaagency.com

Office Headquaters

Akshya Nagar, 1st Block,
1st Cross, Rammurthy nagar,

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